quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2003

Temas relacionados com o ciberespaço estarão em destaque na Conferência Mundial sobre a Sociedade da Informação (World Summit on the Information Society), que decorrerá em Genebra, na Suíça, de 10 a 12 de Dezembro deste ano, e em Tunis, na Tunísia, entre 16 e 18 de Novembro de 2005.

Esperando reunir mais de 180 países, a cimeira procurará, entre outros aspectos, avaliar o impacto das tecnologias de comunicação no desenvolvimento económico e cultural dos povos.

The modern world is undergoing a fundamental transformation as the industrial society that marked the 20th century rapidly gives way to the information society of the 21st century. This dynamic process promises a fundamental change in all aspects of our lives, including knowledge dissemination, social interaction, economic and business practices, political engagement, media, education, health, leisure and entertainment. We are indeed in the midst of a revolution, perhaps the greatest that humanity has ever experienced. To benefit the world community, the successful and continued growth of this new dynamic requires global discussion.

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