quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2003

Leitores do New York Times Digital responderam a uma pesquisa (um total de 2.430 respostas). Os resultados demonstram algumas características dos leitores, nomeadamente o seu activismo:

:: 50 percent are "influentials" -- "opinion leaders who are highly engaged in their community and workplace, well-informed and well-connected." (Influentials account for 10 percent of the general population and 15 percent of the online population.)
:: 62 percent of those influentials are very/somewhat likely to contribute to a political campaign next year; 90 percent are very likely to vote in next year's presidential election.
:: 71 percent of the NYTimes.com influentials had written or called a politician in the last year.
:: 27 percent had written an article for a magazine or newspaper.

Dica de E-Media Tidbits.

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