quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2003

Responsáveis pelos media antecipam um futuro brilhante. É o título da Stop the Presses, a coluna de Steve Outing no E&P.

What's to become of online news publishing in the next two to three years? Well, if 20 of the industry's European leaders know what they're talking about:

* A business model will emerge for online news operations that works, and makes money.

* The industry will fairly quickly begin to tap its revenue potential. (Sites are current tapping only 20%-30% of their revenue opportunities, the group estimated.)

* Media-company top management ranks will see a swift change, with traditionalists replaced by executives who understand how the Internet fits into the big picture.

* Advertising will remain the dominant online revenue source, with paid content supplementary.

* Most pure paid-content models on the Web will be shown to be failures.

* Better integration of print and online will finally take shape.

São resultados de uma pesquisa realizada entre 20 executivos responsáveis por meios de comunicação social e que recentemente participaram num encontro sobre o tema em Zurique.

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